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What is Visual Persuasion?

Visual Persuasion: Using Design and Graphics for Maximum Marketing Effect

Visual persuasion is a way of looking at visual design, to focus on the driving of a specific action, rather than looking at the design as an artwork or an end-in-itself.

In recent years I’ve become aware of how little attention many designers pay to the functionality of their work in terms of business goals. The focus is often on making a website, a web page, an email, an ad, etc., look good rather than to motivate the reader to take the desired action.

[tweetshare tweet=”If a picture is worth a thousand words, how come so many are mute? ” username=”nigelduckworth”]

My latest article on Medium What is Persuasive Design? talks about what persuasive design is, and some of the factors designers should pay attention to to make more effective designs that motivate action.

Check it out, Persuasive Design on Medium, and let me know what you think.




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